Jaylance Lorete
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Jaylance Lorete
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Jaylance Lorete is a content writer at P2E News. He fell in love with gaming since he was a child. When play-to-earn games became popular, he instantly got hooked with the industry.

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Hash Rush: RTS Play-to-Earn Game Released in Open Beta

Hash Rush: RTS Play-to-Earn Game Released in Open Beta

RTS or real-time strategy games have been a primary part of traditional gaming with games like Warcraft, StarCraft, Age of Empires, and many more dominating the space since the dawn of times. With this, it is not surprising that we will be able to see RTS games in the blockchain gaming space as well.

Recently, eyes have turned on a new game in the play-to-earn space called Hash Rush. The project is delivering astonishingly great quality updates to their game even within the extreme conditions of the bear market that the space is currently in.

A project that delivers quality and keeps on building during a bear market? Count me in!

Introduction to Hash Rush

Hash Rush is a massively multiplayer online real-time strategy game (MMO-RTS) set in a sci-fi universe called Hermian Galaxy. According to the lore, players will be joining the Hermian Galaxy amidst a galactic catastrophe called Crystal Storm. Numerous crystal shards crashed on different planets in the galaxy creating a hive mind with one goal in mind – to corrupt and shape life to its own liking.

The Hash Rush game will be coming in with three different modes. This allows the players to have multiple different experiences through different game modes of choice.

  • Standard Mode
    • The main gameplay mode wherein players will have the chance of gathering crafting resources, crystals for power ups in crafting, and keys which are used in opening vaults that may contain special heroes.
  • Dungeon Mode
    • This mode gives the players more strategic problems to withstand without the need of building and maintaining a base unlike in standard mode. In this mode, players will be able to unlock new crafting recipes.
  • Boss Assault Mode
    • The Boss Assault mode features a pre-made base which the player will need to defend using a selection of up to three heroes. In this mode, players will have the chance to acquire level up materials for the skills of their heroes.

The game will also feature Heroes and Crafting System to further deepen its game mechanics and lore. Players will be able to experience the play-to-earn features of the game through these two core mechanics in the game. These two features are discussed more in the following section.

Play-to-Earn Features

The play-to-earn aspects of the game will be seen through its Heroes and Crafting System. The following items can be tokenized in the game.

  • Crafting resources earned through playing
  • Any crafted item (Hero, Items, Boosts)
  • Items acquired through playing (Weapons)
  • Event prizes
  • Hash Rush items sold or purchased through the Vorto Network

To know more about the play-to-earn feature of Hash Rush, you can view the play-to-earn section of their whitepaper through this link.

Heroes are the powerful units in the game. Players will need to upgrade their heroes alongside their skills in order to progress further in the game. Players will also have the ability to equip items and weapons to their heroes to further aid them in battle.

Acquired Heroes can be played in any game mode but the Dungeon Mode specifically requires the use of Heroes in order to play that mode. Heroes can be obtained through the following:

  • In-game crafting
  • In-game summoning
  • Direct purchase
  • Airdropped through events
  • Trading with other players

The Crafting System is still currently in development as of writing this article. However, the team have confirmed that the crafting system will be a core component of the game. After gathering enough resources from the standard game mode of the game, players will be able to craft the following:

  • Heroes
  • Equipment
  • Single-use boosts or power ups
  • Other in-game items such as experience items for leveling up gear

Open Beta

The game is being developed for a while now and recently, the team behind Hash Rush announced that the Open Beta for the game is now available.

Players can try Hash Rush for free through the official Hash Rush website. We can finally try and enjoy the game!

The developers have confirmed that the Open Beta of the game will be available for a long time and they are eyeing to close the Open Beta towards the end of the year which is a long time from now. This means that players have plenty of time to gather and build up the hype for the game while trying out its Open Beta feature and the developers continue building behind the scenes.


Hash Rush will be one of the games that will continue to keep building through thick and thin. As the developers of the game have said, they are not building a gimmick, they are building a game.

If you want to know more about the game, its updates, and the plans of the developers, you can watch the in-depth AMA conducted by Cagyjan.

The blockchain gaming space is surely expanding day by day and it is only a matter of time until all of the traditional game genre start dominating the space again. Get ready to be part of history!

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